More Than Just a Night Out
Few words about us

"serve with a smile !!!"
Service excellence
In the restaurant industry, good service means a friendly & welcoming service. A restaurant owner should not merely strive to avoid bad service, but should positively strive to encourage the exceptional service that occurs when service workers take a genuine interest in their customers.
Waiters and hosts might ask customers about their day, help them make food choices and give customers compliments. Our restaurant owners encourage this kind of good service by honoring employees who are exceptionally gifted.
Sometimes, good customer service simply means being available. Customers who can see managers, hosts and serving staff are more likely to give employees the opportunity to provide good customer service by making requests. Many diners are hesitant to actually walk into the bar or to the counter to ask for something, and a customer should never have to ask. Just by being visible, you make customers feel they are having a better experience because they know if they need something, you’re right there, available to help.
Customers can get good food and decent customer service almost anywhere. What sets our restaurant apart is we’re willing to go above and beyond to be exceptional. Restaurant employees can practice this kind of customer service by being willing to make special creations for guests and engaging in other little practices that show they are going above and beyond the competition.
"team work makes the dream work”
Our team
When your team comes together to solve a problem, they come up with more creative and flexible solutions than individuals. In our restaurant, excellent food and service is always a team effort. If the meal is not well prepared or if the service is poor, the customer may not enjoy the dining experience. All members of the team have a role in making the customers experience memorable and extraordinary.